The mandate of the Nursing Home is to provide long term care to individuals deemed eligible for admission to a Long-Term Care facility by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care Placement Co-ordination Service.
The facility recognizes that gerontology is a specialty that must focus on enhancing the quality of life for the older adult in the institutional setting. In keeping with this belief, we advocate, encourage and provide the opportunity for our residents to exercise their rights and responsibilities.
In order to maximize the potential of each individual, we endeavour to meet the assessed needs of each resident through a multidisciplinary, resident focused, preventative and restorative approach to care and services.
The facility recognizes the interaction of health and the environment, and as such, we provide a safe, clean, well-maintained and pleasant environment for both our residents and employees.
We believe in residents continued involvement in the community through recreational and social activities. We are committed to the provision of meaningful pastoral and volunteer services, and we encourage family involvement.
In addition to essential services such as medical, nursing, dietetics, recreation and environmental, Ehatare Nursing Home has the following services available on site: podiatry, physiotherapy, dentistry, psychological consults, diagnostic, pharmaceutical and laboratory.
For service such as audiology and social work, community based resources are available and arrangements will be made as needed.
Specifically excluded from services provided by the Nursing Home are those that can best be provided by acute and chronic care facilities. Residents who require these services after residing here will be discharged to other health care facilities where such needs can be adequately met.
Long Term Care Service Agreement